LONDON – The virtual data that people generate each day are billions of billions. Pictures, texts, videos, emails on The Internet via laptop or smartphone are growing second by second: in 2005 the World had generated a total of 130 billion gigabytes of data and the level is expected to increase to 40 trillion gigabytes by 2020.
An unimaginable quantity of information that could really help people to grow rapidly. Instead, only 0.5 percent of the 2.5 billion gigabytes of data generated every day is examined for its analytic value. But, now the focus of most part of IT world Companies is to take advantage of this big quantitative of data. It’s the new business called “Big Data”. Because knowing how to use in the best way this information is not only going to improve human life expectancy, but also capitalize money: The Big Data industry was worth $3.2 billion in 2012 and in 2015 it will be worth an estimated $16.9 billion.
If years ago knowing customer’s propensities about a new product was a probable value, now it’s an exact science. In the offing these analyses will help people activity to weigh up the best choice for their own interest. But the question is: Predicting the World’s future about finance, style, everyday life will also mean directing people in an exact way? Or will there always be a free choice by the final customer? For sure, on the other hand, analyzing a big quantitative of data means reaching substantial results in human health matters. In the hope that it’s advantage won’t be a prerogative of only one or a few companies. (A.A.)